Deep Detox
Over a period of time, we accumulate toxic substances in our body due to unhealthy eating habits.

Getting rid of Stress
Stress happens when you are unable to manage your mind, body, soul and the internal system.

Ayurveda Treatment
Ayurveda is the ancient science of achieving the holistic wellbeing of the body, mind & soul.

Hydrotherapy makes use of the swimming pool for pain relief & mobility in joints due to arthritis.

Facial massage
Facial massage makes you feel rejuvenated, fresh and stress-free. Go for the pleasant massage.

Reiki therapy
Reiki offers a safe and natural method for healing your body and mind with the master’s hands.
100 + ROOMS
There are more than 100 rooms each with a different picturesque view apart from villas and suites on the sprawling campus.
Misty Mount offers a spectacular spa and rejuvenation center where many types of massages and therapies available.
Honeymoon packages consist of 3 days and 2 nights stay in a magnificent suite overlooking the pool with a private entrance.
Silver sand beach and heated swimming pool can solve anything!
The Olympic size heated pool in Misty Mount is simply a breathtaking pool which has a safe and shallow area segregated for children who can swim there under the watchful eyes of their parents. The adult section has a massive swimming area where one can swim for a 50-meter lap.
There is a diving area much deeper than the other segments of the pool. Practice your diving and armstand forward 2 somersaults in Pike position!

Misty Mount is the ultimate destination for your exotic travel